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About Us (By John Greenbury)

I have spent my entire life from the age of 20, training and working with people in sales and management. I started in real estate and home building learning from legendary trainers like Dave Stone and Steve Brown. After that I went full time into sales and sales management consulting and telemarketing.

Today my firm provides consulting services directly with clients in several countries. We also consult to the training industry, specializing in sales and sales management and we mentor and coach new and established business consultants.


My love of sales ideas and training led to me become a training and business development consultant which I did for over 15 years. I worked with many hundreds of sales representatives and managers at all levels of medium to large corporations in many industries in Australia. From there I moved into telemarketing when I set up a bureau, and later added CRM system development and telesales dialler technologies.

In 2001 I established a large telemarketing business which evolved into a travel company. That work involved continuous training of personnel as well as business process automation over more than 20 years.


I have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to many of the very best ideas, concepts, techniques and strategies for business development, sales and consulting in the world. My sources are too numerous to mention and most are not that well-known.

My aim through the services provided by D.J Greenbury & Associates and the courses and books I am producing, is to pass those ideas and methods on to you.

Where to Find the Best Ideas

One of the great problems in today's business world, I believe, is the loss of proven knowledge over time based partly on the perception that if it is not new, it's worthless.

Many in business believe that an idea older than six months is redundant. They look at new business fads and concepts coming though and assume they must be the best and the most useful. Others just "do what we've always done" with no attempt to advance their knowledge.

This "redundancy thinking" mainly results from the rapid pace of technological change today. But management, as well as all forms of business consulting, are different in that we deal with people. And whilst there are continuous changes in technology, work culture, competition and environment, people and company operations today are fundamentally the same as they were yesterday, and they respond to the same influences.

New ideas are great and very welcome. However, a lot of the best methods available today for business improvement come from the accumulated wealth of knowledge from the past. Much of that accumulated knowledge is available in books if you know where to look. But you cannot get it for free off blog websites. Business consultants and trainers today, like me in the past, charge a lot of money to share their accumulated information and will not give it away.

By the way, the rebranding and rehashing of business ideas and strategies, first taught by other now-lesser-known experts years ago, is commonplace today.

It is essential that we do not lose touch with the best of what others have learned from their own hard-won experience over the years. I operate a different business model now where I make the best ideas and methods more readily available, and more affordable to access.

Learning better ideas and methods is the lifeblood of business. It can give you a long-term, substantial edge over your competitors and maximize productivity. Are you open to "new" ideas?"

Consulting Method

If you are open to ideas, then you'll want to find out what we can do for you. Book your free 20-minute telephone consultation to get started.

It is important that you're aware of how we approach consulting projects so that your expectations are clear. We provide ideas, recommendations, and assistance; however, we don't take responsibility away from you. Instead, we work directly with you on addressing roadblocks that commonly exist in people and business processes, to free pathways for implementation of new ideas and/or to improve those processes.

We then act as a resource of proven methods for achieving improved results in sales, consulting and training functions as needed. Services are provided by me and one or more associate consultants in specialized areas.

John Greenbury